How to Support the Junior Dev on Your Team

With fresh new devs popping out of CS programs bootcamps and self-taught paths every day chances are you are going to end up working with one and its in everyones best interest that they succeed.

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Translating Bootcamp to Real Dev Job

I didn't really know if my life as a developer would look a lot like my life as a code school kid or not. As I transitioned into my first dev job, I encountered some surprises and realized I had had some misconceptions.

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Why Not Having a CS Degree is Awesome

No matter what field you came from, youll have a unique skill set you can offer your future employer.

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The Cost of a Coding Bootcamp

Before and after I went through my bootcamp, I spent some time weighing the costs and financial benefits of a coding bootcamp. Here's what I found.

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My First Week in Tech

There I was, adjusting my new blue light glasses while sitting at my cubicle, and trying to answer the question 'So you're the new engineer right?' with a straight face. I felt a bit like I was role-playing someone else's life, but I wasn't.

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Coding Bootcamp Realities

As someone who recently spent 6.5 months in a coding bootcamp, I can say I definitely thought I knew what I was getting myself into. I was wrong.

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Created by Caitlyn Greffly